Plans for weeks Humiliated for a lifetime

Plans for weeks Humiliated for a lifetime  Friendzone Johnny

gets friendzoned forgets it and moves on with his life

gets friendzoned forgets it and moves on with his life  Good Guy Greg

Oh, so you're over your ex you say? Then please do continue talking about them

Oh, so you're over your ex you say? Then please do continue talking about them  Creepy Wonka

School starts tomorrow Better register for classes

School starts tomorrow Better register for classes  Lazy College Senior

Not enough snow to ride my sled too much ice to ride my motorbike

Not enough snow to ride my sled too much ice to ride my motorbike  First World Problems

What if anesthesia doesn't actually block the pain, but only makes you forget about it after the operation is over.

What if anesthesia doesn't actually block the pain,  but only makes you forget about it after the operation is over.   conspiracy keanu

Buys you drinks even after you tell him you're a lesbian

Buys you drinks even after you tell him you're a lesbian  Good Guy Greg

Mom used your computer while you were out Cleared entire browser history before you left

Mom used your computer while you were out Cleared entire browser history before you left  Success Kid

Wants to sleep in on school days Is up at the crack of dawn on weekends

Wants to sleep in on school days Is up at the crack of dawn on weekends   Scumbag Brain

Girl tries to dance with him steps back cause he thinks he's standing in her way

Girl tries to dance with him steps back cause he thinks he's standing in her way    Socially Awkward Penguin