MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB... HAD  Insanity puppy

Not sure if I already washed my hair Or if I'm remembering a previous shower

Not sure if I already washed my hair Or if I'm remembering a previous shower  Futurama Fry

Late for class Teacher is even later

Late for class Teacher is even later  Success Kid

see black guy walking down the street and realize you're going the wrong way wait until you pass him to turn around so you dont seem racist

see black guy walking down the street and realize you're going the wrong way wait until you pass him to turn around so you dont seem racist  Socially Awkward Penguin

"No ma'am, we don't look at personal files during a back-up" saves nudes you took for your ex on flash drive

DVD Tray Stuck? New motherboard!

DVD Tray Stuck? New motherboard!  GeekSquad Gus

step on a crunchy leaf must step on another equally crunchy leaf with the other foot

step on a crunchy leaf must step on another equally crunchy leaf with the other foot  OCD Otter

New HD TV? Will only work with diamond encrusted HDMI Cable

New HD TV? Will only work with diamond encrusted HDMI Cable  GeekSquad Gus

Craw so hard mothafuckas wanna fry me that fish cray

Craw so hard mothafuckas wanna fry me that fish cray  that fish cray

Gets offered 110 billion euro contemplates rejecting the offer

Gets offered 110 billion euro contemplates rejecting the offer  Scumbag Steve