Too many cars in neighbor's driveway? call cops

Too many cars in neighbor's driveway? call cops  Sheltering Suburban Mom

has affair with teacher is home schooled

has affair with teacher is home schooled  Redneck Randal

I want to go outside and stay indoors but no one will hold the door open for 5 minutes while i decide

I want to go outside and stay indoors but no one will hold the door open for 5 minutes while i decide  First World Problems Cat

you just hate me because i'm black listing your company from any future business deals

you just hate me because i'm black listing your company from any future business deals  Successful Black Man

Hey bro, remember the answer you couldn't remember on that test you just finished? I think now is a better time to tell you what it was

Hey bro, remember the answer you couldn't remember on that test you just finished? I think now is a better time to tell you what it was  Scumbag Brain

bypasses the wikipedia blackout omg im such a hackerrrrr lol!

bypasses the wikipedia blackout omg im such a hackerrrrr lol!  Annoying Facebook Girl

Attractive cashier reaches for empty shopping basket shakes hand

Attractive cashier reaches for empty shopping basket shakes hand  Socially Awkward Penguin

"be proud of yourself" ? Be ashamed that you're okay with being pathetic

my married parents make too much money now i cant get any grants

my married parents make too much money now i cant get any grants  First World Problems

I knew about sopa first but now if i post it on facebook, i'll look like a poser

I knew about sopa first but now if i post it on facebook, i'll look like a poser  First World Problems