Steal someone's laundry They recognize you when you wear their clothing

Steal someone's laundry They recognize you when you wear their clothing  Hawkward Hawk

Took someone's laundry by accident Brought it back

Took someone's laundry by accident Brought it back  Success Kid

Have no friends Steal laundry and use it to dress body pillows

Have no friends Steal laundry and use it to dress body pillows  Forever Alone

Someone's using the laundry room at the same time? Take their laundry

Someone's using the laundry room at the same time? Take their laundry  Insanity Wolf

Take someone else's laundry, pick out a hoodie "OMG look what my bf gave me!! <3<3<3!!!!"

Take someone else's laundry, pick out a hoodie

Have no clean laundry of his own Take someone else's

Have no clean laundry of his own Take someone else's  Foul Bachelor Frog

Notices your presentation isn't long enough Asks you lots of questions

Notices your presentation isn't long enough Asks you lots of questions  Good Guy Greg

Why don't we take all the stolen laundry and give it back to its owner?

Why don't we take all the stolen laundry and give it back to its owner?  Push it somewhere else Patrick

Takes wrong laundry by mistake too afraid to bring it back in fear of meeting the owner

Takes wrong laundry by mistake too afraid to bring it back in fear of meeting the owner  Socially Awkward Penguin

You have a mac? Oh, you must know all about good computers

You have a mac? Oh, you must know all about good computers  Creepy Wonka