I forgot to bring my phone to work Now I have to work while at work

I forgot to bring my phone to work Now I have to work while at work  First World Problems

Smashed my head into the pullup bar Doesn't matter, still did a pullup

Smashed my head into the pullup bar Doesn't matter, still did a pullup  Socially Awkward Awesome Penguin

Everyone who works at starbucks can draw stuff in your latte because they were all art majors in college and can't get a real job

Everyone who works at starbucks can  draw stuff in your latte 
 because they were all art majors in college and can't get a real job  Sudden Clarity Clarence

If you ever suspect someone's following your car Take four right turns, it forms a circle. If they're still behind you, they're following

If you ever suspect someone's following your car Take four right turns, it forms a circle. If they're still behind you, they're following  Actual Advice Mallard

sees a guy in a wheelchair, holds the door open to the stairwell

sees a guy in a wheelchair, holds the door open to the stairwell  Socially Awesome Awkward Penguin

Speeds through a school zone and crosswalk filled with kids and volunteers Honks horn, flips them off and calls them all assholes

Speeds through a school zone and crosswalk filled with kids and volunteers   Honks horn, flips them off and calls them all assholes  Scumbag Steve

I'll have you know that i asked a couple at the movies to stop talking and my heart only raced for twenty minutes

I'll have you know that i asked a couple at the movies to stop talking and my heart only raced for twenty minutes  Tough Spongebob

I don't always do the vacuuming but when I do I spend 90% of the time trying to suck up something I could pick up with my hands instantly

I don't always do the vacuuming but when I do I spend 90% of the time trying to suck up something I could pick up with my hands instantly   The Most Interesting Man In The World

Did you notice "?" is half a lightbulb Because when you get the answer you have a full lightbulb

Did you notice

If i could just get a job where i didn't have to deal with customers, i would be so happy.

If i could just get a job where i didn't have to deal with customers, i would be so happy.  Craig would be so happy